Nigerian Dwarf Senior Does Page 2

Thundering Hooves Ranch  -  Jennifer Cadwell

Oak Run, CA. 96069

(530) 356-8374  -


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Thundering Hooves Eowyn

Chamoisee with White Doe—Blue Eyes & Polled

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/17/17

Sire: Prairie Wood Supernova *B

(MCH/CH Sun Catcher Moonraker +B X  Prairie Wood Blackberry Blue 2*D 1*M)

Dam: Hobbit Hooves Arwen

(Castle Rock Down The Hatch *B X  Little Dipper BS Amidalla)





Thundering Hooves Birch

Black with White and Moonspots Doe—Blue Eyes

ADGA ~ DOB: 4/20/18

Sire: Blue Moon Bayou Tomahawk

(Thundering Hooves Chief  X  Sweet Spring Posey)

Dam: Grace-Ful-Rose Willow

(Utterly Blessed Roan *B  X  SG Pholia Farm RD Tansy 4*M)

Thundering Hooves Tesora

Black and Tan Swiss Marked with White and Moonspot Doe—Blue Eyes

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/10/18

Sire: Itty Bitty Acres Huckleberry

(Finnian Castle *S  X  Castle Rock Sweet Miss Marple)

Dam: Prairie Wood Bonita Chica

(SG NC Promisedland RC Bonafide +*S ++*B

X  Desertnanny BR Journeycake)



Thundering Hooves Sunseeker

Chamoisee with extensive white doe

Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/5/19

Sire: Castle Rock Sine Wave

(Caprine Acres HS Cooper  X  Castle Rock Tsunamie 3*M)

Dam: Thundering Hooves Sunflower

(Itty Bitty Acres Huckleberry  X  Thundering Hooves Sunspot)

Red Dog LS Faith

Black with white doe

ADGA ~ DOB: 2/20/19

Sire: Owlhaven P Alexander *B

(Cedar View Placido *B  X  SG Proctor Hill Farm Pistol Annie 2*M)

Dam: Curbstone Valley Grace Note

(Dill’s RD Grand Illusion *B  X  Curbstone Valley Mojave Rose 3*M)

Thundering Hooves Magnolia—SOLD

Black with random white doe—Polled

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/6/19

Sire: Itty Bitty Acres Huckleberry

(Finnian Castle *S  X  Castle Rock Sweet Miss Marple)

Dam: Grace-Ful-Rose Willow

(Utterly Blessed Roan *B  X  SG Pholia Farm RD Tansy 4*M)


Juniper Hill Kit Kat

Chocolate with random white doe—Blue Eyes

ADGA ~ DOB: 5/24/19

Sire: Blue Moon Bayou HD Rocky Road

(Pholia Farm HB He’s A Dandy *B  X  Blue Moon Bayou Midnight Moon)

Dam: Audijean’s May Flower

(Camanna FS Sundancer  X  Mystic Acres B'Udder Toast )


Thundering Hooves Rosalee

Gold with White and Moonspots Doe

ADGA ~ DOB: 2/29/20

Sire: Castle Rock Sine Wave *B

(Caprine Acres HS Cooper +B  X  Castle Rock Tsunamie 3*M)

Dam: Prairie Wood Bonita Chica

(SG NC Promisedland RC Bonafide +*S ++*B

X  Desertnanny BR Journeycake)

Thundering Hooves Sassafras

Gold with Moonspots Doe

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/10/21

Sire: Blue Moon Bayou Tomahawk

(Thundering Hooves Chief  X  Sweet Spring Posey)

Dam: Thundering Hooves Magnolia

(Itty Bitty Acres Huckleberry  X  Grace-Ful-Rose Willow)



Thundering Hooves Enya

Cou Clair Doe

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/19/22

Sire: Thundering Hooves Diego

(Castle Rock Sine Wave *B  X  Prairie Wood Bonita Chica)

Dam: Oak Apple Aine

(SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos +* X  SG Sugar Moon V Java Pepper 5*M)

Thundering Hooves Willow

Black and Tan Swiss Marked Doe—Blue Eyes and Polled

ADGA ~ DOB: 3/5/22

Sire: Thundering Hooves Diego

(Castle Rock Sine Wave *B  X  Prairie Wood Bonita Chica)

Dam: Thundering Hooves Magnolia

(Itty Bitty Acres Huckleberry  X  Grace-Ful-Rose Willow)